MQA Academy FAQ
This is a list of commonly asked questions regarding the MQA Academy. If your question is not answered here please email
Will I be guaranteed a job after taking the course?
No, I do not own a company that hires anyone. The course is made to learn the skill set of a Manual QA software tester. After completion you should be able to apply for any Manual Qa in the job market.
What content does your course cover?
The full course content can be found here
Does your course offer any support? If I have questions about a particular topic what should I do?
Yes, you are given a private email address to ask questions to at any time.
Does this course offer help with job preparation? If so, how?
The course ends with interview preparation practice as well as helping you set up your resume and LinkedIn profiles. There are also video walk-throughs for projects that you can add to your resume.
I am new to the tech field, who is this course best suited for?
This course is designed for anyone, no tech background is required.
Is there any live instruction?
No, the course is self-paced and all the videos are prerecorded that you can access at any time.
Is there any automation in this course?
No, there will be a separate course for automation coming out in 2024.
How long does it usually take to complete the course?
The course is completely self-paced, so will vary from person to person. The fastest someone has completed has been a month and others are currently 4+ months in.
Is there anyone who has completed this course and have they found jobs?
The course recently came out in late 2023. There have been a few completions, but on average(based on Bootcamps and other sources of learning), it takes usually at least 6 months to a year for someone to find a job while actively job searching. When course completers do land a job and want to share it they can and we will post it to our site!